Monday 2 November 2015

Understanding Camera Shots

Camera Shots

Harry Potter is one of my favourite films to watch and over the past week I watched a few of them. While watching the films, I have screenshot a few stills to explain the different camera shots used which are very important for the film. They are important because they are used to demonstrate different aspects of setting, themes and characters.

In terms of camera distance with respect to the object within the shot, there are basically 7 types of shots:

Extreme Long Shot

Extreme long shot is generally the first shot at the start of each scene which is usually outside and establishes the setting.

Long Shot

Long shot usually shows the entire human figure which allows the audience to view the subject within the surroundings.

Medium Long Shot

Half way between a long and a medium shot. The shot frames a character then the whole body will be in view towards the middle ground of the shot.

Medium Shot

This shot frames from the waist up on to the character also showing some background.

Medium Close-Up Shot

Medium close-up shot is normally a close up on one or two characters framing the shoulders, chest or the head.


Shot is tightly framed to show details and facial expression on Harry's face.

Extreme Close-Up


Shot is tightly framed. It can be used to stress the importance of a particular character at a particular moment in a film.

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