Wednesday 6 January 2016

15 Images - Group Reflection

Visual Studies - 15 Images Group Reflection

This assignment will critically reflect the fifteen image idea, and the research conducted before shooting from secondary research sources. This assignment will then critically reflect the images, the effectiveness of a blog, and how to improve for further study in the future. 

The idea that was of a girl being stalked by another girl, this was decided because from the research conducted there were over sixty percent of women are said to be stalked by men which would have made a perfect twist for the fifteen images if the stalker was then made to be a women when the framing would suggests a man. However the story was strong and planned to be different from what is always done, the story felt like it was missing something that would make it unique. In contrast the story was original and the main theme was the main characters journey through this which gave the story an original feel because the focus wasn’t the stalker but the girl.

When conducting research the following were used as inspiration; book by Karen Rose which allowed understand of how the character is feeling, and a more personal experience which could be shown in the images, Film which was Taken this gave an understand of how to build tension, and add mystery, last was TV series which was Pretty Little Liars, this series had the element of being tormented through messages and the stalker always being there which gave not only the personal effect but also how to show this and frame the stalker in the images. However out research was planned, it was very precise which didn’t allow for any other examples or additional twists, there also wasn’t any research on changing the main character focus, and minimal research on why someone would be stalked. If there was more research there this could have given the story the fresh and unique feel that was missing. 

Due to the complicated story, there were many practice shots, and different framing to discover which would work the best, however this took a lot of time and meant there was a lot of time spent over thinking the story and less focusing on what the stalker is trying to do. In contrast this was discovered after shooting that there was a lot of focus on the shot, and not much on what was happening within the shot which meant there was more time in planning the story out and writing a shot list to ensure that the story was coming through the images. The images tell the story of a jealous girl stalking someone, and inflicting torment through the images, however the images aren’t as tension building as are seen in film, and TV. In contrast the images to build tension and evoke the right response, however the images would have given the feeling of a tension build if the images were slowly showing more of the stalker as they go along however they do not in the images.

The images could have been strong with more research and better shot planning through story boards, shot lists, and more practice shot which would have allowed us to see the images weren’t building tension and progressing to the reveal of the stalker as they could have. However the images do show the main character detreating through the images, and her emotional response which was our focus because the story was about her. In contrast the story might have built more tension and added mystery if the main focus was the stalker and what the stalkers main goal was. The images worked to tell the story and to build up to the reveal of the stalker, however the images could have been stronger, adding more of a feeling of unease, because some images were stronger than others in delivering the required effect. In contrast once the images were moved into premier pro, and sound was added this gave the images something extra that was lacking in the images alone. Although the sound built tension and had a good flow, if some of the images were changed this could have created the scene, and allowed the viewers to interpret the images their own way. Some of the images felt a little obvious in terms of the narrative which then took away the feeling of a mystery thriller, however due to the images progressing to a reveal of the stalker the sound gave the images the feeling of a mystery because the sound allows for the viewers to known how and what to feel at a particular time.

When shooting and researching the blog was helpful because it was an easy reference tool, the blog was also useful to look back on our work and see which images weren’t tong and discuss why. Therefore the blog helped as a means to reflect and document the progression which wouldn’t have been notice without a means of documenting. 

The final fifteen images and sound created the scene of the mystery thriller, however the final version could have had more personal touches, such as breathing, possibly voice over, and this would have made the viewers feel as though they are experiencing this with the main character. In contrast the final version did reach our expectations of the final version, however the added sounds could have made the story feel more real, and build tension, while allowing the viewer to sympathise and feel connected to the victim.

While filming as a group there was an exact story and narrative that were followed, which was what was decided, however if there was a chance to go back, doing it from both characters perspectives would have allowed time to decide on which worked the best, and gave the best emotional response.

In conclusion, the images are strong and the story shows what is intended and give the correct response, the images also build tension while adding mystery to the shots. However the story could have progressed further with a different perspective and a character change which could have given the images a different feel. 

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